Infertility and Pregnancy Loss Resources


IF #2 (1)

I was diagnosed with endometriosis and had three miscarriages before my first successful pregnancy. Here are a few of the resources that I’ve found particularly helpful (or supportive):

  • Stirrup Queens: a clearinghouse for all information and community building that is adoption/infertility/loss related. An incredible resource and home to Crème de la Crème, a list of some of the best blog posts of the year from bloggers working their way through reproductive challenges.
  • Lost and Found and Connections Abound: a weekly newsletter from the bloggess of Stirrup Queens rounding up links to blogs about infertility, pregnancy loss, adoption, and loss, with space for support for those going through tough times (and celebrating!).
  • Creating a Family: a blog and weekly podcast/radio show about infertility and adoption. Lots of resources here, particularly about international adoption.
  • Resolve: the national infertility association, with local support groups.
  • Endometriosis Foundation of America: foundation co-founded by Dr. Tamar Seckin, one of the foremost experts on endometriosis, and Padma Lakshmi (yes, that Padma!), a patient and advocate for advances in research and treatment.
  • Fertile Hope: LIVESTRONG’s support arm for cancer survivors who want to become parents.

Others that I should add to this list that you’ve found particularly helpful? Let me know!

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